Thank you all for your enthusiastic feedback!
We've been typing replies for the past few days until our hands get hurt.
We are urged by gamers who are eager to watch the introduction video. Here they are!
Here's the official trailer,
as well as the gameplay demonstration video.
Alllll right, it's show time!
Head to Twitter to win the lucky giveaway!
Sounds good? I'd love to watch a real gameplay video!
Here it is!
You'll see the Xbox Series controller armored with ARMORX Pro wireless back button
shows motion control on the XBOX Series console.
Faster, more precise, more violent!
It's now available in BIGBIG WON shop. Sign up to get a 20% off code at the ultimate price of 68.80USD.
ARMORX Pro: Armor Your Xbox Series Controller, Beyond The Elite!
We're asked by many gamers: Would the match of a black ARMORX Pro and a colored Xbox Series controller look good? The answer is: they look good!
The top buttons of the colored Xbox Series controller are black, and the black ARMORX Pro makes a downward extension, which looks harmoniously enough! Besides, ARMORX Pro has a delicate touch, so their match will be gorgeous!

Should you have any questions, feel free to ask here. Thank you for your attention!
Head to Twitter to win the lucky giveaway!
Want to know more about demonstration and gameplay videos?
Please look forward to our next blog: ARMORX Pro Disclosure 5